Monday, November 28, 2022

Episode 1 Live - Brave Series

Episode 1 Live - Brave Series: Episode 1 and bonus will expire in: Days Hours Minutes Seconds Episode 1 – RESTORE: Latest Treatments to Repair DNA Damage Caused by COVID Bioweapon Bonus Episode 1 – BRAVE TRUTH: Exposing the Shocking Facts They Tried to Bury Bonus Episode #1 – Revealed: The Missing Link to Understanding COVID Click here for On-Demand Access … Episode 1 Live Read More »

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

4-new world order will be foiled by the greatest power | View Thread | AdlandPro Community

4-new world order will be foiled by the greatest power | View Thread | AdlandPro Community
Trump Explains Obama Care---- Best Yet

Let me get this straight . . . ...
We're going to be "gifted" with a health care
plan we are
forced to purchase and
if we don't,
Which purportedly covers at least

ten million more people
without adding
a single new doctor,
but provides for
16,000 new IRS agents,
written by a committee whose chairman
says he
doesn't understand it,
passed by a Congress that didn't read it but
themselves from it,
and signed by a President who
funding administered by a treasury chief who
didn't pay his taxes
for which we'll be
taxed for four years before any
benefits take effect
by a government which has

already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare
all to be overseen by a surgeon general
who is
financed by a country that's broke!!!!!

'What the hell could
go wrong


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How To Keep Your Eyes Healthy For Life!

Lesson Five...
How To Keep Your Eyes
Healthy For Life!
By Orlin Sorensen, President
Would you like to see better and more clearly... and... maintain better vision for the rest of your life? If so, keep reading. Because you are about to discover five ways to enhance your vision for life.
What you read may seem like “common sense”. The problem is few people consider these suggestions from day to day. On the other hand, by following the simple advice below you can preserve and improve your vision naturally.
Here they are...
Use Ample Light When Reading
Your eyes function better while doing close vision work when plenty of light is available. As we get older our eye sight diminishes. That’s just the way things go. Don’t speed up the process by reading in a dimly lit room. Poor lighting causes a tremendous amount of strain on your eyes. Remember, over-stressed and weak eye muscles are a major contributing factor to poor vision.
Keep your reading area well lit at all times.
Stop Smoking And Don’t Start In The First Place
Scientists over the past two decades have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that smoking is harmful to our health. Not only does smoking cause upper respiratory, circulation and other health problems... but... smoking is a risk factor for many eye conditions. Cataracts, glaucoma, Graves’ ophthalmopathy, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration all are aggravated by smoking.
Do the best you can to cut down or stop smoking altogether. If you haven’t started, then don’t. You’ll get a lot more mileage out of your eyes by not smoking to begin with.
Drink Plenty Of Water And Stay Hydrated
Dehydration wreaks havoc on your visual system.
Really. Because water is vital to life. No one can survive but a few days without water. Irritated, red itchy eyes and decreased visual acuity is linked to dehydration. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your eyes lubricated. The recommended amount is eight to ten glasses. Depending on your health you may need up to a gallon.
Cut Down On The Caffeine As Much As Possible
Do you like to slurp down one or more Latte Grande’s in the morning? Do you drink soda like it’s going out of style? Do you find yourself itching for the next “fix” of anything caffeine-laden and just can’t get enough?
Know this: While there’s nothing wrong with a little caffeine up to a point it could cause vision problems. You see, even one cup of coffee can elevate intraocular eye pressure up to 3mm hg. Be careful. Over indulgence in caffeinated products is a factor in poor vision.
Just don’t go overboard with it.
Chill Out And Enjoy Life More
Are you a high-strung, type-A personality? Well, you might want to consider “chilling out” a bit. Because there’s scientific evidence that stressing out can increase eye pressure by three times normal levels. By taking it easy, you will keep eye pressure closer to normal levels. That alone will keep your eyes healthier for the long haul.
All of the common sense advice above can improve your vision almost immediately. Nothing will improve your vision as much as using a complete natural vision improvement program.
So go ahead and...
Try The Rebuild Your Vision Program Absolutely FREE!
For a limited time, you can put the Rebuild Your Vision Program to the test in your home for free while supplies last.
This is the most comprehensive natural vision improvement program available. Tens of thousands of people have used it to improve their vision naturally. Check it out for free and judge for yourself.
“Today makes one month since I started your program and I am amazed at the progress I have made. It’s a life changing program and I am so glad I learned about it before I invested in a stronger prescription. Bless you!”
-- Tommie B., Dayton, TN
Free trials are available in limited supply on a first come, first served basis. Click below to see if this special offer is still available at this time...

Copyright @ 2009 Rebuild Your Vision All Rights Reseverd.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Seven Plus Two Urgent Action Items!

Plus One: Stop Fed Funding of the Evil Food Control Law (S.510):

Plus Two: Support Dr. Ron Paul’s Raw Milk Commerce Bill (HR.1830):

1. Hold FDA Officials, Big Pharma Companies, Executives
Legally Responsible For Damage Caused By Vaccines
More information here:
2. Prevent House From Funding Food Fascism Bill
Support Congressman Kingston’s Resistance to
Industrializing the Entire US Food Supply
More information here:
3. Tell Your State Legislators to Reassert State Sovereignty
Over Control of Food and Food Safety – Constitutionally!
More information here:
4. Support Bills to Ban Frankenfish
Require Labeling (Now Forbidden by FDA)
More information here:
5. Ban Nuke Power and GMOs – Dangerous, Untested, Unnecessary, Globalist Technologies that target the planet’s genome! Act before All DNA on the planet is contaminated — Forever!

More information here:
6. Say “NO!” to Imposed Vaccinations!
More information here:
7. Demand FDA Leave Our IV Drip Vitamins Alone!
More Information here:
View More Action Items and Steps You Can Take!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Breaking news: Codex Alimentarius Commission, bowing to international Push Back, allows GMO / GMO Free Labeling! Listen to Dr. Rima Reports, this Sunday!

Breaking news: Codex Alimentarius Commission, bowing to international Push Back, allows GMO / GMO Free Labeling!
Listen to Dr. Rima Reports, this Sunday!

Why We Accept Ads to Support
Hi Listees!

My name is Kathy Greene and I am the person who answers emails for NSF. I answer as many as I can, of the hundreds of emails that come in each day.

Recently, in an effort to raise funds to help pay our monthly Bills, we decided to contract with a company that arranges ads for companies that sell natural health related items through email advertising. This company offered to pay us a fee in return for sending their advertisements to our mailing list. Of course, we do not give out our list itself, but we agreed, after Dr. Rima reviewed and approved the items for sale, that we would send out their advertisements to our list in mailings that are separate from our regular emails.

I have been answering NSF emails for several years, and each month, we get one or two letters complaining that we "sell" things in our eblasts. Apparently, some of our readers are unaware of the costs involved in running an organization like this and find advertising "offensive", without giving thought to how we must pay the Bills.

Still, I was amazed that since we have run these ads, we have received about two dozen letters critical of them, for various reasons. Since we are concerned that others who have not written may also be upset, we decided to explain our decision to work with this company.

Every month, we at NSF have to come up with about $12,000 to pay Bills. Yes, we have a big mailing list. We are the largest and most vocal health freedom organization in the country. Our eblasts DO have an affect on policy.

When Senator McCain was forced to drop his anti-supplement Bill a couple years ago, he said it was because he received close to 200,000 emails against it within two days of it going public. We know that 192,000 of those emails were sent by our
Listees and congradulate them for their 'quickness'! Still, those emails had to be paid for. We know that if everyone on our mailing list just sent in $1.00 per year, we would easily pay our Bills and we could take on more projects. A dollar a month would increase our capacity even more!

But less than one per cent of our mailing list have ever contributed anything to this cause. Have you? If so, we thank you! If not, please do not complain if we are able to meet our debts through advertising. Everyone wants us to continue this effort-- but everyone wants their neighbor to pay for it. Yes, we understand that there are many on our list who are struggling right now, in these hard times, who simply cannot donate. But we also suspect that there are many who can afford to give up some inexpensive item each month and contribute to this cause. Donations ARE tax deductible.

Every month, our Listees send hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of emails to Washington, through our eblast service. We make it easy- just a quick click- and your message is on its way to your representatives. You don't have to sit down and write the letters yourselves. We make that service free to get as many messages to Washington as we possibly can. But it is NOT 'free' to us! We note here, that other organizations using the same or similar eblast sending services, charge as
much as $25.00 for each letter clicked on! And while we do not charge for this, we have to come up with thousands of dollars every month to have those eblasts sent out and to have our Elist maintained (with each Listee being assigned their proper and regularly updated representatives).

Further, we maintain two websites, a webmaster, we pay for research and trips to Washington via Amtrak, we pay for trips to Codex meetings (usually held out of this country), we pay for involvement in lawsuits - the list goes on.
That is why we have a Marketplace and why we offer our wonderful coffee as an incentive to donate funding. So when these health freedom oriented businesspeople approached us, offering to pay NSF to advertise their products, we accepted their offer. Understand that Dr. Rima, General Bert and Counsel Ralph read through each advertisement to determine that it meets our purpose of educating and advocating health and health freedom issues. But we did/do not write any of the advertisements and the subject lines ourselves. The advertiser designed them and wanted them presented as they were, including the recordings.

This was another problem to some of our Listees. They simply could not stand the lengthy recording. I must admit that I agree with that complaint. I have no patience for such recordings and find myself clicking them off. We are letting the advertiser know that there were such complaints so that they can consider making changes in future advertisements.

There were some who wrote to us insisting that the information that the advertiser was selling should be given away for free. Some qualified that and said it should be given freely to sick people. One person wrote that "writers do not actually produce anything", an opinion that I do NOT agree with (unless
we are talking about bureaucrats). Writers work long hours and do much research producing their books. Their efforts make research easier for others.

One person wrote that the ad was exploitive and the information should have been "free" and that the ad was "preying on the vulnerability and ignorance of people". I answered:
Unfortunately, people have to pay bills and buy food to survive, and researchers and writers are no exception - they also have needs. If they are expected to give their work away freely, you will find them looking for work elsewhere! Then, each person who is sick and needs information will have to spend his/her own money and time doing research.
When I was sick from DDT poisoning (it took three years to figure it out), I had to do a lot of research- the medical establishment had no answers for my symptoms. I would have been happy to purchase information that would have saved me money and much time! I do not think that providing an important service is necessarily "preying on the vulnerability and ignorance" of people. Sometimes one is actually providing a service that they know will help others- but they still need to buy dinner.
Further, ignorance is not a good excuse for expecting handouts. Much stupidity is due to laziness and a refusal to take responsibility for one's self. The knowledge is out there. But someone who prefers listening to MTV, watching football, reading trash or watching it on tv should not expect someone who diligently researched to have to "give them" the answers. I think charity is wonderful. But I have met far too many
people who have made it a life choice to live off of charity, rather than add to it for others' sakes.
A few people complained that the book was too expensive, and the word "exploitive" came up again. Well, enough info was given in the ad that anyone willing to give time to a search could probably find the book elsewhere for less money- or simply purchase it with friends chipping in and sharing the info. Exploitive? Big Pharma selling a pill that costs them five cents to
make for $50.00 or more is exploitive. A book that saves a person much time and money in research, is not.

We were told by three people that "there are other health newsletters where the "advertising is up-front". Yes, we have seen and receive such emails from wonderful people in this movement who support themselves from their health info/health store emails. Understand that these people are spending very
little on "activist" initiatives. Their email is their store. They may tell their readers to "write to your representatives" but they do not pay money to get those letters out. There is nothing wrong with that - these are very decent people - but that is not what we are doing. We are raising funds to make SURE that letters get out- and lots of them. We are raising funds to see to projects and research and to expand the numbers of people who are demanding their right to good health!

Finally, there were those who criticized us for not simply "putting up the book's information for free". Of course, we had/have no right to do that - it would be flat-out "theft"! Yes, some people's research has come into the public domain and been printed over and over again. But this author's work is NOT public domain. She put a great deal of research and time into the book and
needs payment for same. Still, some expected her to work for free. Do THEY work for free? I doubt it. Certainly, most people can't! Finally, one person wrote "Shame on You" for not giving away what was not our's to give. I asked, "Would you think more highly of General Bert and the rest of us if we stole this person's work for you?" Not gonna happen!!

So if you are planning to write to us, complaining about these ads, please read this first- it will save me an answer!! And understand that the people who advertise with us are not "evil" -- they are selling decent products and information, and helping NSF keep afloat!

For Health and Food Freedom,

Current Videos and Blog Entries
Weaponized World
Please help make this video "viral" - share this link!

Push Back includes educating decision makers when you - and your contacts -  send your Congressional reps and other decision makers emails through our Educate Decision Makers system.
We have Updated the Food Freedom Action Item
Click Here for all Current Daily Action Items
We've proven that PUSH BACK works... that your emails to decision makers DO  make a difference! Read more about our Accomplishments - yours and ours -  Click Here.
We can only fight for, and win, health and food freedom without your generous, tax-deductible recurring Donations. Please Click Here.

NSF Green Fund
Green Fund Institutional Investor page:
Donate to Keep Health Freedom Free
Valley of the Moon Coffee
Health Freedom Food Freedom & Funding Freedom

Crossing Your Personal Rubicon
A Message from Dr. Rima

Radiation Risks

Take Action Here: What do Nuke Power & GMOs Have in Common?
Go to -- for updated information you and your family and friends need -- and direct access to the nutrition that your body needs to deal with these challenges. As Dr. Rima has explained, the chemical damage to cells and DNA caused by ionizing radiation is the same as that caused by other "free radical" inducing risks, like GMO products and vaccines, and for all of these, you need the most power nutrition you can get...
Action Item Updated
To Include New Attacks!
Read more of Counsel's Report here:

Dr. Rima's HCG Diet Saga Continues...
Yes, Dr. Rima is blogging again about her experiences and experiments with the HCG diet... and discussing the extraordinary cuisine that lets her enjoy her shrinking...

The Final Word: PROTECTING Our Nutrients

General Bert says:

You may remember the Star Wars saga, the episode entitled, The Empire Strikes Back. Our Push Back naturally elicits a reaction from TPTB (the powers that be) -- that is to be expected and means we are succeeding. We are no longer a mere annoyance to TPTB; now we are becoming a threat to their cozy plans of profitable dominance. And that is what will protect our access to nutrients. We'll continue to Push Back and rely on you to fund our ability to marshall the power you are creating through your Push Back and through your generous support!  --  General Bert

Yours in Health and Food Freedom,
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation

Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.) - President

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director

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Contact us:
Natural Solutions Foundation
58 Plotts Road
Newton, NJ. 07860